Difficult Raids and Extreme Dungeons in Swords of Legends Online

Do you play on Swords of Legends online?

We are asking why yesterday the next update increasing the level of difficulty visited PVE. This is a process that started at the beginning of September and who is designed to provide players even greater (read more difficult) challenges.

Xuanjiu Rally Jade Palace is now available in hard mode. In turn Dungeon Frostbitten Patch (Weichuan Highlands), Chou Prison (District of Jiangdu) and Raging River Ruins (Shanghuai Grasslands) can be passed on Extreme .

The higher the level of PVE activity, the more new mechanics we get. Also, monsters have increased life points and deal more damage than their equivalents from Normal.

Swords of Legends Online started at the beginning of July under the flag of Dear Gameforge. In this case, however, we do not have to attach to a German company, which provided us with the 100% B2P title, without pay2Win and without hooks. All items from IS and Battle Pass are cosmetic.

You will play here .


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