Steam Next Fest was a huge success

In June 2021, Steam embarked on a bold experience: the Steam Next Fest, an event during which more than 700 new games have put playable demos available to players for free. From the post-apocalyptic adventure sand to the low-poly horror in Chasing Static, the independent games have been in the foreground throughout the event. Now, with the opening of the inscriptions for the next iteration of the festival, Steam has revealed how much it was a success.

To short, the Steam Next Fest had a huge success. We had an idea of ​​how everything had gone well - the independent RTS Eden Falling revealed that its demo had been downloaded more than 4000 times - but now we have difficult numbers to save everything. On the Steam Community website, the Steamworks development team revealed how the demos had affected the interest for the games presented: at the event. The wish list rates were higher than 421% for half of the participating games, while 45% saw a lower increase and 5% experienced a decrease in their wishes list additions.

However, an increase in wishes lists does not mean much if it is not accompanied by an increase in sales. Fortunately, an increase in sales is exactly what happened - "To study the impact of the Next Fest on Sales, we checked if the additions to the Wish List of the Next Fest converted for sales among the games. since participation in the festival. The published median game saw a 292% increase in "wish lists' conversions performed during the NEXT FEST in relation to the conversion of the added lists additions made in the two weeks preceding the Next Fest. »

The next Steam Next Fest event is scheduled for October 1st to 7th. The inscriptions for the event are open now, but the closing date of August 15 is fast approaching!

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