LOL: What is the champion that gets the most gold?

Ranking Every League of Legends Champion based on how hard they are When we think about the champions of League of Legends and its power, we usually usually assess them together to make a quick decision about which characters we must avoid and which ones to select. However, the balance of each of the heroes present in the title of Riot Games is based on different capacities that, on many occasions, do not even take into account when determining their true value. In this way, it is possible to find answers for questions we never made.

The most gold champion gets in League of Legends

In one more of those curiosities, we wanted to know what are the characters that most gold achieve at the end of each game . An average of coin obtaining that may not alter a future Tier List, but it does allow knowing what the champions that can most easily inflate their inventory of objects to become a true terror for rival players.

Maybe it's not a question that League of Legends players become very often, something that makes it difficult to find the answer. However, these are the five that shine in this category:

The first position in the ranking occupies DRAven , a champion that is explained relatively simple if we serve the ability to get large amounts of additional currency thanks to its passive that gives benefits when it gets a low depending on The axes collected. Of course, the champion only leads in platinum and higher ranges, where players seem to have enough skill to dominate this complicated skill. It is surprising that he is the only one of those present with a passive dedicated to winning, a small disappointment for the fans of gangplank or twisted fate.

The rest of the champions that complete this particular LEAGUE OF Legends ranking could be encompassed in two categories. There are those who need to get subjects to carry out their starting plan as Kayle to reach level 16 or Tryndamere to tear down towers and those who have facilities to get them. In this last section we can include IRELIA with the Q of her (sword attack) and Graves , which historically has been one of the best characters to end neutral monsters.

Although in the cases of Irelia and Kayle coincides that they are also the characters that are most subjected in a game, in obtaining gold, other abilities as well as facilities to achieve casualties or destroy turrets. In this way, some of the best waves are left out of classification. It is what happens to sivir or illaoi , in third and fourth position in terms of minions, but far from the high positions of this ranking.

It should be noted as an additional data that these characters do not necessarily have great victory rates . Although everyone stays in terms acceptable and above 50%, there are better alternatives when winning a game in League of Legends. Therefore, unless you want based on achieving a large number of objects to feel powerful, maybe you should not leave you.

As for the worst, they accumulate in the Support position being Alistar , Soraka and TARIC The least gold get. However, things are much more talked below than above and there are hardly no notable differences.



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