Apex Legends Caustic Character Guide: How to Pass Your Enemies with the Toxic Trapper - Legend Token - Video Peel Messages, Instructions, Exemplary Procedures, Reviews and Cultu

Follow our guidance to Apex Legends Caustic to find out how to unlock it and kill enemies with its gas falling

As with Mirage, you must use Legend Token to unlock Apex Legends Caustic before you can use it. But it is worth to unlock this evil boy, as they can use his poison traps and enemy enemies in them can lock in them, covering their view and harming with time. Here's all you need to succeed as Apex Legends Caustic.

Since Caustic is a very good boy, he has a passive character thanks to all the equipment he always seems to have with himself, which helps to reduce the damage by 15%. This passive is called Fortified and was introduced by Respawn to support the fight against his incredibly large Hitbox.

We also have an overview of all _ best apex legends characters_ together with detailed instructions for each one below.

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Apex Legends Corrosive Skills & Ultimate Explained

As with all legends, Caustic has three skills; A passive, tactical and ultimate. Normally we look at the passive first, but that works only with its two other skills. So let's start with the tactic.

Nox Gas Trap is the name of Caustics tactical ability and it is pretty self-explanatory as it works. You can throw up to six gas canisters that are triggered when enemies are nearby. Then damaging gas is delivered, which inflicts four damage per tick to all opponents in the gas. These are great when placed behind doors or in rooms. But they can also be destroyed by enemies when shooting on the lowest red plate.

As far as Caustics Ultimate is concerned, it is very similar to its tactics, but instead it is a NOx gas grenade. The gas has the same effect, but covers a larger area and can be thrown further. The animation takes a while and can still not be thrown up to a standard grenade, so it is very situative.

What about Caustic's passive? That's easy; Caustic automatically receives NOx Vision, which means that all enemies in its harmful gas have a outline. However, it's a hit and miss, because if you can capture enemies in a room full of gases, you have no chance ... but set up is not easy. As soon as someone is trapped in the toxic gas, its immediate response is to find a way out.

However, an aspect that is not mentioned at Caustic is that although the gas harms only enemies, but still slower and teammates are blind. You must also be careful with the placement of gas traps to ensure that you do not block the paths of your teammates. In melee, Caustic is great - especially in the bunker - but otherwise he is a hard legend.

How to play Caustic in Apex Legends - Tips & Tricks

  • Throw the NOx gas grenade in Bangalore's smoke - Bangalore is a Gross The legend to combine with Caustic because they can often fire smoke grenades. While you can not see through your smoke, your NOX VISION comes into play if you have gas in your smoke, so enemies are blinded zwei types of smoke, but you can see them perfectly.
  • Gas ​​traps in corners hide - The main method to reach people with the gas traps is to hide them in corners so they are triggered without the enemy notes that they are there. Throw them in buildings in corners, and if they have someone in a room with a gas trap, they throw more out of the doors so they literally have no way out.
  • Do not block any doors if your teammates have to get through there - seriously. There is nothing worse than a troublesome Kausterk, who is constantly falling outside the door if there are no enemies in the room and plundering his teammates. Find out when and where you have to set up and do not hinder your friends.

How does the Caustic Hitbox compare with other legends?

Caustic currently has one of the biggest hitboxes in the game, which makes him a simple goal. The only larger hitbox is Gibraltar, but he has a weapon sign and is a much more defensive character to counteract. Do not worry, because Respawn has confirmed that Caustics Hitbox - together with Pathfinder and Gibraltar - is reduced when the first season of the Apex Legends Battle Pass will start in the course of this month. We go more closely in our Apex Legends Hitbox manual, but be aware that Caustic is a THICC BOI.

APEX Legends Caustic Synchronator - JB Blanc

Unlocking the 4000 Damage Badge for Seer in Apex Legends!

JB Blanc is the synchronizer for Caustic and the one behind all these evil voice lines. If you recognize him, this may be because he also reports Commander Blisk in Titanase 2, Bane in Batman: Arkham Origins, Moneybags in Spyro Reignited Trilogy and Diablo in Diablo 3.

If you have the rotate to use Caustics, it can become a serious, powerful legend, but you must first practice with him. Much luck!

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